
To ease eyestrain, place a bread potted plant on your workbench

A sedentary office life exerts bad influence on people's health. But they can’t refuse to do that, as they live on this kind of job. In fact, it is not that bad, there are still many ways to help them keep healthy. For example, they can keep having a short walk every hour. Besides, if they afraid the computer radiation would harm their eyes, they can put a cute bread potted plant on their workbench. Honestly, when I saw this bread potted plant, I felt very hungry, as its bread shape is very lifelike. And it also reminds me of my staying in America.

I had stayed in America for 35 days. It was a tough time for me, as I had just reached the lowest point in my life. My boyfriend was broke up with me while my working life is about to have a big change. I didn’t know whether I should take the challenge and keep going or not. So I asked to have a long holiday to America. I thought maybe the fast pace of life there would give me some hints.

I had straightened out my thinking after I had stayed there for three weeks, but I love the new atmosphere and lifestyle there, so I kept on my vacation. The Americans almost have the total different lifestyle with Chinese. Seemingly, they have very quick living rhythm, but we might not see those people who sitting in the café and enjoy the coffee leisurely. They are the people who know how to enjoy their life.

When I came back from America, my friends said I was change. And I knew that I had changed, changed to be a better woman. There is still an absorbent indoor potted plant on my desk, from my former boyfriend. My friend asked me to drop it, I refused. It is also a life, I couldn’t bear to have it destroyed. Like we used to have some good memories that I keep them deep in my heart, but I had let go and move on my new life.  

